Wednesday, January 17, 2007

When I was there, I was Togo

Georgetown University's SFS-Qatar (the newest campus, in Doha), sponsored a Model UN conference this week. I have a feeling my experience at the one Harvard set up in 1997 was slightly different, but here's Al-Jazeera's coverage:

Also, this is not the result of bias or (much) campaigning on anyone's part (you know who you are), but here's my current pick for '08.,0,4024450,print.story?coll=hc-headlines-home

Coherent foreign policy stance (combined with actual CFR experience), and general willingness to engage the world
Peace Corps service
Overall liberalish politics, pretty hard-core Democrat (in the best sense of the word)
I lobbied his office once
He's bilingual
He has the same birthday as my mom
No waffling on whether he'd have voted one way or another
Has been an elected official since 1975
Not Hillary or Obama (Hillary bothers me viscerally, and made concessions to pro-lifers; Obama doesn't have enough experience to make me comfortable with the idea of him running the country)

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