Thursday, January 18, 2007

It's really not about the wrappings

When my dad and I opened our Christmas presents this year, we found out that we had bought each other the same gift: Jimmy Carter's new book on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I read it - it really isn't all that controversial (seriously, I promise), and to his credit Carter tries to stay logical and balanced.

However, just as most debate in the US has suffered, at least in the past few years, from a lack of substance, the firestorm of criticism surrounding the book revolves not around Carter's ultimate argument for peace (which is to everyone's benefit - including Israel's), but around the fact that he even used the world "Palestine" in the title.

Well, I'm not even going to address that, because I think the critique is so ridiculous. However, I am going to direct you all to Carter's op-ed today in the Washpost. Enjoy!

Also, this has little to do with the rest of the post, apart from geographical coincidence, but it's totally weird:,,3-2552754,00.html

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you give him the large-print version?
Happy trails.